Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm 25. Sure I should be able to conquer Disney movies but I just can't.

I still fast-forward when Belle is being chased in the forest by scary things.

I still cry when Stitch and Lilo both find "family."

No matter where I am, I am still overcome with missing my Mom when Eleanor sings "My Mother" to the baby penguin.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good story. Even when the parts are scary, or sad, or make me cry, I love a good story. So knowing how the story will end, and after I've seen it once, I fast-forward through the parts I don't like.

I love good stories in life. Life imitating art. Beautiful.

I got lost today driving to a friend's school. There were only 2 roads (that I knew of) and I traveled down both. No dice. Either road. Long roads. Long Kentucky farm roads. People on trackers. Next time I'll actually write down the directions.

On mile 16 of what was to only be 7 miles, I found myself talking to the Lord, wanting Him to write the next chapter of my story the way I wanted it to be written.

Lord, it would bring you glory. Bringing these things to pass would cause people to praise you. Everyone would know it was You that orchestrated this good.

Wow, what a pompous attitude from one seeking to bring the Lord praise. It is in these moments I am thankful the Lord doesn't smite me. In my car. On long Kentucky roads where no one would find me.

It was almost instant. The knowledge in my brain of what my heart has known for so long. Want a good story? Want a story that is full of every possible twist, subplot, and brilliant ending? How about a God whose love is so strong, He ransomed your heart with His son's blood.

Getting lost down those flat and perfect Kentucky roads was one of the most amazing things to happen to me. It was there I realized what the Lord had been trying to make me understand for so long now: He is my only story.

He is my only story.

His love, His goodness, His mercy are my stories. Anything else is just a blessing for me. He doesn't need my praise. I need His blessings.

But He is my story.

Belle makes her way back to the castle and to the Beast who is now her Prince, Lilo and Stitch find the family they both seek, and the Chipmunks make it back to safety. Good stories.

Good stories that don't hold a candle to the story He has written.

My story.

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