Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who love me. I know how attemptedly humble that sounds, but it is true. I had no idea I wasn't invisible to so many, that I mattered to so many, that so many hurt with me.

And it's the most amazing ways I find myself blessed. My car, my sweet, messy, never been washed car is now clean. I always thought he would do it- he always promised to do it- but never made time for it. And now, one of my amazing girlfriends cleaned my car- inside and out.

The little reminders- I am being taken care of- in the big and the small that make this process a little easier.

I am so very blessed.


  1. I love you AE, and so many of us do! We cherish your friendship, your amazing outlook on life, and your spirit!! Hang in there friend, somehow there is a plan for all of us.


  2. I love you Ashley Elizabeth.... both as an amazing young woman I watched grow up in four short months and as a friend. If there is ANYTHING I can do for you, please let me know. I'm sending hugs through the cosmos straight to you.

  3. I'm loving your blog. Thanks for being honest. Praying for you girl!
